We're all connected by one trace, and if you are connected to your soul you can shine brighter.
When you paint in one single trace you don't have time to think, because life is ephemeral. We need to say what we think at the moment, otherwise it might be too late. Just be you, take your mask off and connect with your true self, and only then you will attract people who resonate with you. That's the beauty of life.
We're all connected by one trace, and if you are connected to your soul you can shine brighter.
When you paint in one single trace you don't have time to think, because life is ephemeral. We need to say what we think at the moment, otherwise it might be too late. Just be you, take your mask off and connect with your true self, and only then you will attract people who resonate with you. That's the beauty of life.
Unique items
· 81
Total items
· 205
· Mar 2021
Creator earnings
· 10%