SkullKids: Immortal are hand-drawn, rare, 1/1s created by Badfroot (aka Jack Davidson).
With the one of a kind Rune system, base SkullKids can be augmented and upgraded. Each Rune is of a specific element, rare, and only available for one of the 3 series. (Each augmented SkullKid is followed by an A. Such as, "SkullKid #094A - Tuna")
Series 1: #001-#099 / Series 2: #100-#149 / Series 3: #150-#200
SkullKids: Generations (Q1 2022) is a generative collection of 9800 SkullKids, #201-10000. More here
SkullKids: Immortal are hand-drawn, rare, 1/1s created by Badfroot (aka Jack Davidson).
With the one of a kind Rune system, base SkullKids can be augmented and upgraded. Each Rune is of a specific element, rare, and only available for one of the 3 series. (Each augmented SkullKid is followed by an A. Such as, "SkullKid #094A - Tuna")
Series 1: #001-#099 / Series 2: #100-#149 / Series 3: #150-#200
SkullKids: Generations (Q1 2022) is a generative collection of 9800 SkullKids, #201-10000. More here
· 290
· May 2021
Creator earnings
· 10%