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Silent Stories with Woman Portraits

The most important point of my portraits is the eye contact which tells you what is hidden behind. Strongest ones come with the strongest emotions. I think that’s the reason I choose women portraits for my new collection, woman as the owner of strongest feelings by just being a woman. Some screams with the fear while the other tells you the greatest love stories; Some cries with the memory of their losses, some sings the happiest songs with the heartbeats. Each wrinkle around their eyes can be a first line of a thousand different life stories. That’s the power of my portraits capturing one’s the purest aspects coming trough the eyes.

For over 20 years, I have been taking portraits from all over the world, by walking on the streets which have been walked by thousands of people with thousands of emotions for ages; country by country, city by city…

I would love to share these 5 amazing woman’ strongest portraits with you as my new collection ‘Silent Stories with Woman Portraits’

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Jan 2022
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