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About this collection

ERC 721

This project is the culmination of 4 years of work by mera takeru, a pioneer of cryptoart in Japan. "SHARI" means cooked white rice and remains of Buddha in Japanese. The continually flashing skulls celebrate our repeated "life and death" and the permanence of the digital world of repeating "0 and 1".

Items minted445
444 unique GIFs

The collection consists of skulls made of rice in 7 colors and 66 patterns of artistic backgrounds. The flashing lights represent the endless repetition of zeros and ones, or the permanence of the blockchain.

NFT for PFP and Ordinals Inscription

SHARI owners can earn free NFT for PFP and Ordinals Inscription of the same design as the SHARI they own. Please join my new Discord and get a special roll.