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Scribbles by Jonah's World

A unique collection of marker scribble scenes created by Jonah with assistance his mom and/or dad!

Artwork title will revealed upon purchase ☺️

THE BACKSTORY Jonah started playing a game one day that he called "Bonk" Art. Essentially, him and I (or his dad) take turns adding marks to the page, and whenever our lines touch each other he would get excited and shout "Bonk!". It became a very fun game for him and we created many interesting and unique scenes together. As the scenes started to progress and began coming to life, he would share ideas and stories around them while we created.

ABOUT JONAH Jonah is a special boy living with a rare disease (Dyskeratosis Congenita). He is a happy, creative kid with lots of ideas to share! It is our goal to spend time with Jonah each day creating art. Any money we make with his art will help to fund Jonah's therapy, and help us prepare for future medical expenses. Much love to you all! xx

Jul 2022
Creator earnings