Sarutobi is an interoperable metaverse project that originated on the Bitcoin blockchain, utilizing the Counterparty protocol in 2016. Crafted by Japanese developer Mandel Duck, Sarutobi aimed to create a game that seamlessly incorporated assets from various Bitcoin collections. In 2017, Sarutobi Island was introduced, featuring the integration of renowned cards like SATOSHICARD from Spells of Genesis and SARUTOBIPEPE from Rare Pepe, thus establishing its place as the inaugural interoperable metaverse game in the history of cryptocurrency. This collection is curated by Emblem Vault.
Sarutobi is an interoperable metaverse project that originated on the Bitcoin blockchain, utilizing the Counterparty protocol in 2016. Crafted by Japanese developer Mandel Duck, Sarutobi aimed to create a game that seamlessly incorporated assets from various Bitcoin collections. In 2017, Sarutobi Island was introduced, featuring the integration of renowned cards like SATOSHICARD from Spells of Genesis and SARUTOBIPEPE from Rare Pepe, thus establishing its place as the inaugural interoperable metaverse game in the history of cryptocurrency. This collection is curated by Emblem Vault.
Unique items
· 7
Total items
· 296
· Aug 2023
Creator earnings
· 5%