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SANWEAR Test Units [Redemption Window Closed]

!Redemption Window HAS Closed!

Official SANWEAR Test Units by SAN Sound. SANWEAR blends Hyper Reality Audio, blockchain, and other interactive technologies to forge a connection between the emerging social domain and the conventional music and audio industries.

Xin, notorious for outwitting Suncore Light Industries, triumphantly stole 333 experimental SANWEAR test units. Together with the underground community, Xin devised a covert plan to distribute these coveted devices by airdropping 300 tokens, each representing the physical ownership of a SANWEAR test unit.

These tokens can be openly traded, held, or redeemed for the physical device once “The Vault” opens on May 12th, 2023. But, the initial airdropped gifts were bestowed upon Xin’s most trusted frens, The Soulbound.

Apr 2023
Creator earnings
  • Vault status: Redeemed