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The streets of the German city of Cologne were seized by rats. You just walk along the streets and see hundreds and hundreds of animals that make the residents shiver.

A paradise for the rats. In the middle - a playground that was built with the taxpayers money. In the past children often went to play there with friends. Now this playground is occupied by rats.

I’m here in Cologne to help with the environmental crisis. To promote a new alternative source of protein that is locally available in large quantities. I am working to transform the way rats are seen by society. They are a far greater source of protein than meat produced by the farming industry.

We should urgently reduce intensive animal farming and that is only possible by finding alternative ways of obtaining rich protein food. The only solution now for Germany is to begin to eat all these rats.

Children will go to schools well-fed. No rats will attack or bite them and finally The Greens party will win the election.

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Sep 2021
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