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Probability Grid

Probability Grid is my most amazing work, which allows me to take a completely new look at generative art.

Chaos and order, in this collection, these concepts are intertwined with each other, providing your attention with absolutely amazing and diverse variations.

I have often heard that as a child we know better what we want to do, so sometimes to find your way in life, you need to remember what you loved to do as a child.

Until I started doing this work, I didn't think about whether it was the same with me, now I can tell you for sure - it was, and yet about everything in order.

As a child, I loved to draw, I didn't always get it the way I wanted, often instead of what I had planned, just randomly scattered squiggles turned out, or as they like to be called - children's doodles.

It's normal for a child when his interests change often, so at some point I stopped drawing and became interested in sports. For 15 years, he was in the first place in my life, I achieved high results there, and yet I felt that my vocation was in something else.

About six years ago, I returned to art and decided to do it more consciously. Studying the work of various artists, developing my taste and watching, at some point I got acquainted with the work of Jackson Pollock and Damien Hirst. It was their work that later had a great influence on the development of my art. Two years ago I learned about generative art. At first I just collected it and enjoyed the works of other artists, but soon I wanted to become one of them myself.

In my opinion, generative art opens up limitless possibilities for creativity, but before that I had never encountered code and programming, and in fact it all turned out to be much more complicated than I imagined, but this only fueled my interest. Over the next two years, not a day has passed that I have not been developing new algorithms, from time to time recalling the work of Jackson Pollock and Damien Hirst, whom I admire even now.

About 8-9 months ago, I created an algorithm that allowed me to get closer to the visual that brought back memories of my childhood drawings and which so delighted me in the works of the above-mentioned artists.

Back to the name of this collection, why Probability and why Grid?

Probability is ideal for describing my life path and becoming a generative artist, an insane number of different probabilities have developed so that in the end I came to where I started once in childhood, an amazing path of 26 years, a man with almost no education who devoted most of his life to sports, learned to program and create art, it is Probability in this collection that is responsible for the chaos, variability and unpredictability that are so inherent in people and our lives.

Now Grid, this part brings order and structuring, so to speak, putting everything in its place, I think this is what is more inherent in machines, cold calculation and accuracy. By combining Probability and Grid, we will get the perfect balance between chaos and order, between man and machine. In my opinion, this is the most difficult thing in generative art, to achieve the perfect balance between chaos and order, to leave a little carelessness in the works, but at the same time to preserve order and structure.

I'll tell you a little more about how everything works. There are 9 unique features in PG that allow you to achieve great variability.

  1. Palette - there are 18 palettes in PG, which I myself selected and collected during these 8-9 months.
  2. Style - 3 types of rendering style, Regular-Multiplying-Turbulence, each of them is beautiful in its own way.
  3. Grid - is responsible for the number of squiggles on the canvas.
  4. Size - responsible for the length and has 10 variations.
  5. Width - responsible for the width and has 12 variations.
  6. Point - adds dots, and depending on the variations mentioned above, it may look like drops of paint or just like random dots.
  7. Transparency is the rarest and truly unique features that opens up a completely new visual experience.
  8. Density - responsible for the distance between squiggles and has 6 variations.
  9. Frame - responsible for the presence of a frame, has three variations, and there is a 20% chance that some squiggles may go outside the frame.

The combination of all the features allows you to provide enough variety to continuously obtain amazing results, from very neat minimalistic variations resembling writing to absolutely incredible chaotic variations resembling splashes of paint.

Press S to save.

The algorithm is quite fast, but some variations take a bit more time, be patient. Preview is rendered at 3348x4348 resolution, this resolution takes longer to render but is more suitable for printing.

Within a month of the collection's launch, a website will be launched where every collector can order a print or oil/acrylic painted version.

Nov 2023
Creator earnings
  • Size: 7