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Prison Pets NFT-TEST

Step into the world of the Prison Pets, where super-powered pets from the metaverse have found themselves detained in a prison on the shores of Panama. In 2021, Nicky Rush led these mutated pets on a journey from the metaverse to our world, leading to their capture and confinement.

Each Prison Pet NFT is a one-of-a-kind animated card, depicting a unique pet with its own special set of super powers. The collection is comprised of 2010 unique NFTs, all stored as ERC-1155 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.

Join the ranks of NFT collectors and own a piece of this incredible and unparalleled world, where the magic of the metaverse meets the reality of our own.

This collection is a test one and the main smart contract will be deployed in the BLAST network.

Oct 2021
Creator earnings
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