We, Potatoes have been serving Humanity for ages ... Like most Humans, we've also been recently struggling with mental Health. Since then, we started Questioning Modern World, and how capitalism affects everyone's life , including ours. So we decided to move on , settle down on the Polygon Blockchain, and build our own Community! Today you can be a part of The Psychopotatoe Nation . Don't miss this chance, Get your passeport Now ! Psychopotatoe Nation is the first non fungible tokens project that works to spread Food Sovreignty Awareness Across the NFT Sphere, But not only...
- Psychopotatoe Nation Pioneers are made up with over a hundred possible traits including Headwear, Eyewear, Mouth, body,decor and backgrounds.
- Holding a PPNP allows you to participate in coordinating Psychopotatoe Nation Community Treasury and activities..... Join us on dicord to learn more : https://discord.gg/E8JBy2bFtc
We, Potatoes have been serving Humanity for ages ... Like most Humans, we've also been recently struggling with mental Health. Since then, we started Questioning Modern World, and how capitalism affects everyone's life , including ours. So we decided to move on , settle down on the Polygon Blockchain, and build our own Community! Today you can be a part of The Psychopotatoe Nation . Don't miss this chance, Get your passeport Now ! Psychopotatoe Nation is the first non fungible tokens project that works to spread Food Sovreignty Awareness Across the NFT Sphere, But not only...
- Psychopotatoe Nation Pioneers are made up with over a hundred possible traits including Headwear, Eyewear, Mouth, body,decor and backgrounds.
- Holding a PPNP allows you to participate in coordinating Psychopotatoe Nation Community Treasury and activities..... Join us on dicord to learn more : https://discord.gg/E8JBy2bFtc
· 30
· Feb 2022
Creator earnings
· 9%