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Playing Cards: JOKER

About this collection

ERC 721

This collection started when the artist wanted to distribute playing cards among people. As a dealer, I give you my cards to bid in this game. In fact, you are the leader of this game. In the first stage of this game, there are 54 unique cards with 10 copies. The value of cards is different and their pricing is based on their real value. Joker has the most value. Ace, King, Queen, and Jack have levels respectively. The game is very extensive and there is a strong roadmap that will never disappoint the players and we support them. If you are ready for this big game, take your card.

Available items540
View of items

In this video you can see 54 items of this collection. After buying one of these items, it will reach you and you will enter JOKER game. At this point you've got a card that will look bullish in the future, and that's because of magic that JOKER does.

How did JOKER make his cards?

The design of these NFTs is inspired by playing cards that everyone knows and has played with. The cards are created of colored lines. A combination of red, yellow, black, orange and blue lines. These lines have created different shadows in each card, giving them a 3D look.

The general idea of artist:

The world of NFT is a new world that will transform the economic, artistic and social future. This space, which tried to present non-physical works to others, has led to the development of art. The fact that art can spread in such a space and be seen by everyone is very valuable and beneficial for artists. But everyone must admit that the NFT world is not just a market for art, but a vast space for people to own different items. As someone who has understood this space, I want to add new style to this world. And this style includes inspiration from things that no one owns in real world.