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About this collection

ERC 721

In a far-off galaxy, there existed a planet called ERA, home to three distinct species: the Alphas, Omegas, and NONs. Each species had unique abilities and attributes that helped them thrive on the planet.

Phase 1: Allowlist Mint

Allowlisted wallets can mint. Guaranteed mint.

Phase 2: Waitlist Mint.

FCFS. Waitlisted wallets can mint.

Phase 3: Public Mint.

FCFS. Everyone can mint.

50% minted3,000 / 6,000
Planet ERA

A planet where NFTs blend storytelling and gamification into an exhilarating adventure.


ERA holders can stake their NFTs and earn $CONI tokens, free NFTs, and whitelist spots from upcoming projects.

Oh, staking your ERA avatar doesn't require you to lock it. 🤯

Introducing Twitter PFP Staking;

You will earn rewards for each day you keep your Twitter profile picture as one of your ERA avatars.

How does it work?

You will connect with your wallet and Twitter on our website. You will select your ERA avatar that you want to make your Twitter profile picture. Once you change your Twitter profile picture to the ERA avatar you chose, the system will detect it, and the staking will start.

You will earn rewards for all of the ERA avatars you have as long as you don't change your Twitter profile. (You can always change it to another ERA avatar you have)

How to claim the rewards?

You can claim your $CONI rewards once a month. The distribution of the NFT and WL rewards will be explained in an upcoming announcement about Nexus Hub.

The reason behind

We don't want to remove your ability to take profits by forcing you to lock your NFTs. We are doing it wrong if we can't provide enough reasons to hold your NFTs.

We'd like to increase the visibility of ERA on social networks. That's why we have designed Twitter PFP staking. More people with ERA pfps, more people will know about our collection.

That's why we chose many applicants with a high social audience through our application process. Even if they don't tweet about ERA, they will help us increase brand awareness since their profile pictures will be ERA avatars.

NEXUS HUB - Increase the value of your assets

ERA holders can increase the value of their assets by participating in the daily tasks with their fellow "Tribe" members.


Tribes are trait-based community groups. Here are some Tribe examples;

Alpha Tribe: A group of people who holds at least one ERA avatar with the Species: Alpha trait. Aiko Tribe: A group of people who holds at least one ERA avatar with the Face: Aiko trait. Cyberpunk Tribe: A group of people who holds at least one ERA avatar with a Style: Cyberpunk trait. Katana Tribe: A group of people who holds at least one ERA avatar with the Weapon: Katana trait.

What are Tribes for?

There will be daily/weekly tasks for ERA holders on Nexus Hub. Our holders can visit the Nexus Hub page of our website to participate in those tasks.

Whenever ERA holders complete a task, all the Tribes they are a part of will earn points.

Tribes with the most points receive free NFTs and whitelist spots from upcoming projects each month. Then these rewards will be raffled to the member of those Tribes.

This means ERA's most active trait-based communities will get more rewards each month. This will let those communities increase the floor price of their traits with their active participation in the ecosystem.

What kind of tasks will there be?

Tasks of Nexus Hub are designed to increase the engagement between ERA's community members and ERA's brand awareness on social media. Here are some task examples;

  • Follow an ERA community member who actively shares about ERA on Twitter.
  • Like and RT a thread about ERA posted by an active community member.
  • Welcome a new community member by replying to their tweet about ERA.
  • Like and RT ERA's latest news on Twitter.

The reason behind

There are three main reasons behind this utility. Strengthen the connection between community members, increase brand awareness, and let community members increase their NFTs' values.

Community is the key to success as a PFP collection. We wanted to build a system that would encourage the activity of our community while rewarding them for their participation.

CHROME MARKET - Upgradable Traits

ERA's traits are designed in a way that won't impact the rarity if updated. ERA holders can update how their traits look.


There are four styles in the ERA collection; Cyberpunk, Classic, Street, and Post-apocalyptic. Such traits like "Face," "Outfit," "Cap," "Hand," and "Hair" have different style options which can be customized.

Updating the style of your favorite traits won't affect rarity but will change your Tribes. So you can either customize your ERA avatars to have a look that suits you better or join a Tribe that gives more rewards.

How does it work?

  • Visit the Chrome Market page on our website
  • Select the ERA NFT you would like to customize
  • Select a trait to update
  • Choose an available style for that trait. (You will see what styles are available and what styles are coming soon for a specific trait in this step)
  • Click update, and it's done!

Updating a trait requires a special key. Those keys will be another NFT collection that the Coniun Pass NFT collection will drop for free on the reveal day of ERA.

The reason behind

Styles will increase the uniqueness of ERA avatars while gamifying the experience of being an ERA holder. Upgradable traits will not only let you customize your avatars to your liking but also allow you to develop strategies on Nexus Hub to get more valuable rewards.