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About this collection

ERC 721

Brought to you from Oluju's Realm

At the heart of our endeavor lies an awe inspiring collection of uniquely crafted 10k NFTs, each originating from the mystical realm of Oluju. These digital tokens display not just artistic radiances but the power to usher you into uncharted dimensions in health and vitality. PhialofLife is more than a collectible project, it's a bridge that connects the metaphysical and the digital, the ancient and the future. It encapsulates our collective aspiration to push boundaries, redefine possibilities, and guide humanity towards new realms of well-being. Come and embark on this journey with us as we look to forces beyond our environment in order to elevate our health and well-being. Own a PhialofLife NFT to gain access into transformative experiences for a vibrant fulfilling life, product utilities and exclusive diversified communities.

<0.1% minted2 / 7,000
Homage of Oluju

Join us as we look to forces beyond our environment in order to elevate our health and well-being

Art Anatomy

The word “Phial” is synonymous with “vial”. Vial is a small container, typically cylindrical and made of glass. It is often used to hold liquid medicines. In the case of PhialofLife, its content is not medicine but a remedy of ginger, turmeric, garlic, lemon and honey simmering in hot water.

PhialofLife is a collection of 10k uniquely crafted NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. The collections are illustrative in character with each NFT emphasizing a new age of awareness in health and wellbeing management. The illustration employs natural elements of the environment to call on humanity to explore an alternative approach to health and wellbeing management through the universe's boundless resources.

A unique illustration consists of a base character in the form of a PHIAL resting on a tripod. The Phial contains an immune boosting remedy simmering on a trait characterized as FLAME. Another trait characterized as STEAM ascends from the phial into the skies paying homage to the heavenly bodies that have inspired a new age of awareness. The heavenly bodies are characterized by traits of UNIVERSE against a backdrop trait of SKY. A trait characterized as FLOWER symbolizes humanity's frail mortality. The flower is rooted in traits characterized as GROUND.

PhialofLife promises to elevate your health and well-being to unimaginable realms by means of ownership. Each PhialofLife NFT will grant access to our health and well-being based virtual community and utilities. Community events will empower PhialofLife NFT holders with ancient secrets that will maximize health and wellbeing. We come from a lineage of ancient greats that are gifted with timeless insights, wisdom and knowledge and we want to take you on this journey with us.

At its core, the PhialofLife project is meaningful and void of complexities. The illustrations are unique and symbolic of a greater purpose that all can relate to.

Why wouldn't you own a PhialofLife?