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Patterns of Life (AI Stories)

This is an art experiment. Human + AI = ?

In my 2D pattern artwork, I utilize the power of AI to augment the creative process and add a distinctive element to my pieces. I use AI algorithms to generate new patterns and designs, which I then integrate into my work.

This allows me to investigate new forms and motifs that would be challenging or impossible to create by hand. Furthermore, I experiment with different color palettes and layouts, creating a wide range of possibilities.

The stories written by AI for my pattern artworks are designed to complement and enhance the visual elements of the pieces. They provide a narrative context that brings the patterns to life and adds a deeper layer of meaning to the work. The AI-generated stories are unique and captivating, drawing the viewer into the world of the artwork and allowing them to experience it.

The final result is a combination of human creativity and technology that creates a truly unique and captivating 2D pattern artwork.

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Jan 2023
Creator earnings
  • Editions: 10