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Pandas in Trips

Wish for world peace! Let's travel, not war. Stop the War! Stop invasion! Just look at this beautiful world!

Each trip in this collection is unique! All the metadata and images are stored on IPFS!

There is almost nothing as cute, as adorable and as fun as a giant panda, if there is any, it must be a family of pandas. They are definitely cuter than apes, rarer than apes, and showed no mutant for at least 500,000 years. They are born to be punk, just look at their decadent punk glam eyes. So, They are born to be a star in NFT!

Usually, Most of them make the most of each of their days… Sleep and Eat. But this family of pandas have their own idea, they choose to travel all around this planet through the blockchain.

This panda family made 10,000 unique NFTs trips, which include 100 single-destination trips and 9,900 double-destination trips. All the beautiful and mysteriously changing background scenery are generated by using the AI algorithm of Neural Style Transfer.

Dec 2021
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