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the Order of Awakening

About this collection

ERC 721

The world has gone mad.

Balance is all but gone.

Society is unfair.

Many feel lost.

Nature and wildlife are disappearing.

These monks felt that politics and science will never be able to restore balance on their own.

The problem is us.

We need to change.

We are all so incredibly out of touch with the natural way of things.

And so they created the Order of Awakening, to find a new path forward.

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The Order of Awakening

A collection of 3333 unique Undead and Enlightened Monks.

Undead Pixel Monks NFT collection and game demo

Monks who enjoy video games might also like our gaming sub-project Undead Pixel Monks. They are pixelated versions of our Order's monks.

You can try a free demo of the Undead Pixel Monks game on Steam:

Undead or Enlightened?

This will not just be a regular mint. We're finalizing the details and you'll find all the information here soon.