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Nightmare Corps

On cold autumn nights like these old tales of horrific creatures would creep their way into bedtime stories, keeping the young awake. Everyone in town says they are rumors, but I am starting to think differently. I first noticed something was wrong when I had to go to the outhouse three weeks ago. I could feel something's icy presence lurking just beyond the tree line to the nearby wood. People don't believe that type of thing. After all, its just a feeling. A sense that something is deeply wrong. Three weeks ago wasn't the only occurrence. I'm beginning to suspect somethings not right with my grandfather. He is leaving black tar in the sink and I'm finding large tufts of fur in all of his clothes. Last night I think I heard a large entity moving around the house, leaving soft scratch marks on the walls. I try telling people, they don't believe me. But online these occurrences aren't so unusual. I'm hearing more and more accounts of creatures lurking. From. Within. The. Shadows.

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