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Mundane Work of First World Poverty

Poverty is often portrayed as the homeless man, or the struggling single parent, but rarely as the working poor. Poverty is often unseen, or blindly ignored because it is what serves the middle and upper class. We serve your burgers and coffee, we clean your homes, cut your hair, mow your lawn, deliver your Amazon boxes. We work hard, so others can play hard. There is no rest for the working poor.

This collection is a representation of the mindless, repetitive, bland nature of life for an average service industry worker (me). There are some flashes of colour representing Joy of the little time I get to spend with my family, and now non-existent hobbies.

There are 1095 unique photos representing the past 3 years of my life since I started lawn and snow work.

All photos were taken for insurance requirements, and are an example of "Forced Photography"

Snow - 793 Grass- 223 Project - 33 Equipment - 26 Plants - 10 Dog Shit - 7 Me - 3

Unique items
Total items
Jan 2022
Creator earnings