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Million Dollar NFT Artwork

Create million dollar NFT artwork from cash.

Congratulations! We are witnessing a turning point in contemporary art, when the classical form is reborn and takes a radically new, digital form of crypto-art - Non Fungible Token (NFT).

You can become the owner of a work of art that is a radically new representation of form and content.

Paper money, just like a traditional work of art that can be touched with your hands, has gone from metal and paper forms to the form of numbers on a screen in the history of mankind. Yet they can still be cashed in and take their original form. By buying "million" you transform it into a fundamentally new, irreversible form of NFT token, thus confirming that the future is already here, and it is all digital.

The essence of this artwork is that by exchanging a million for a million, it stays with you, but in another completely new form. You buy an idea, which at the same time has a market value, which will grow. How cool is that?


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Mar 2021
Creator earnings