Mickey The Gnome lives in the Bird Streets, a secluded neighborhood in the Hollywood Hills of Southern California. Together, Mickey and I travel the world, snapping photos, making stuff out of clay, rock, food, cement...whatever we find that attracts his attention. We then mix it all together manually, adding Mickey's personal statement expressing his satirical curiosity about Earth life. He's a great travel partner, but he doesn't always get how humans work.
This is my first drop. All works are created manually...no autogeneration.
Mickey The Gnome lives in the Bird Streets, a secluded neighborhood in the Hollywood Hills of Southern California. Together, Mickey and I travel the world, snapping photos, making stuff out of clay, rock, food, cement...whatever we find that attracts his attention. We then mix it all together manually, adding Mickey's personal statement expressing his satirical curiosity about Earth life. He's a great travel partner, but he doesn't always get how humans work.
This is my first drop. All works are created manually...no autogeneration.
Unique items
· 44
Total items
· 0
· Sep 2021
Creator earnings
· 10%