"MEMEME" A kawaii project from Japan, created by a team of creators with disabilities and designed by "Ichiha Fujiyama", an artist with a phobia of gazing. The founder, Elliott, is an entrepreneurial Vtuber involved in art and social welfare projects despite his developmental disability (ADHD). In addition, Kazushi Fujii of Kawaii Meta Collage is fully supporting the project as director. MEMEME is intended to serve as a pass for future activities and projects, provide various benefits, and contribute to social issues.
"MEMEME" A kawaii project from Japan, created by a team of creators with disabilities and designed by "Ichiha Fujiyama", an artist with a phobia of gazing. The founder, Elliott, is an entrepreneurial Vtuber involved in art and social welfare projects despite his developmental disability (ADHD). In addition, Kazushi Fujii of Kawaii Meta Collage is fully supporting the project as director. MEMEME is intended to serve as a pass for future activities and projects, provide various benefits, and contribute to social issues.
· 555
· Apr 2023
Creator earnings
· 7.5%