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Le Galet

Le Galet is an art project to raise awarness about the destruction of the ecosystem via small actions apparently harmless. There will be 10 000 unique NFT galet minted.

Each days it is up to 500 kg of Galet that disapears from each beach due to tourism. But they are an important way to prevent erosion and are natural habitat from many species.

But many people take them because they can make a nice souvenir. Don't forget that if you find something in the nature, leave it there, because there are millions like you that will do the same.

With this project you can own your unique Galet without harming the natural environnement.

Original inspiration : The shore of Bretagne Andy Warhol Dwayne Johnson

No galets were hurts during the shooting and they were put back to the exact same spot. Le galet want to remain anonymous, don't try to find him back. The blockchain polygon is used because it is eco friendly.

Sep 2021
Creator earnings