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Just a thought. by etherstu Ed.2 (April 2022)

In Jan 2022, I decided to create a collection of thoughts, one per day as an interesting exercise. When I sat to write my first, I ended up writing more than 50 before I thought to stop. After minting the collection, they gained no traction. No connection to anything or anyone. Just 50 random thoughts, why would they. On 31 Jan 2022, after several weeks of promoting it with no sale, I burned the collection to make room for other creative ideas bursting to come out. But that wasn't the end of the collection. Since then, there has been at least one occasion perfectly suited to each thought in which I have use as a quote, or point of note. They seemed like thoughts in the moment, when in fact they were all formed in a moment months prior. Now its time to see if time is a factor for Ed.2. Is it message that makes the value, or something else?

Apr 2022
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