어딘가에서 들려오는 목소리를 따라 미야의 긴 여정이 시작되었습니다. Infinity Door를 통해 미야를 세 행성 - Techa, Undercity, Outlaw 으로 워프하세요. 행성별 미야를 만날 수 있습니다.
*2023년 08월 17일 Infinity Door STATION 종료 예정. 상세 안내는 커뮤니티 공지를 참고해주세요.
MIYA's long journey began with a voice coming from somewhere. Warp MIYA to the Three Planets - Techa, Undercity, and Outlaw with Infinity Door. Meet the MIYAs in Planets
*Infinity Door STATION to be closed on 17 Aug 2023. Please refer to the community notice for detailed information.
STATION : https://sunmiya.club/station Techa MIYA : https://opensea.io/collection/techamiya Undercity MIYA : https://opensea.io/collection/undercitymiya Outlaw MIYA :https://opensea.io/collection/outlawmiya
어딘가에서 들려오는 목소리를 따라 미야의 긴 여정이 시작되었습니다. Infinity Door를 통해 미야를 세 행성 - Techa, Undercity, Outlaw 으로 워프하세요. 행성별 미야를 만날 수 있습니다.
*2023년 08월 17일 Infinity Door STATION 종료 예정. 상세 안내는 커뮤니티 공지를 참고해주세요.
MIYA's long journey began with a voice coming from somewhere. Warp MIYA to the Three Planets - Techa, Undercity, and Outlaw with Infinity Door. Meet the MIYAs in Planets
*Infinity Door STATION to be closed on 17 Aug 2023. Please refer to the community notice for detailed information.
STATION : https://sunmiya.club/station Techa MIYA : https://opensea.io/collection/techamiya Undercity MIYA : https://opensea.io/collection/undercitymiya Outlaw MIYA :https://opensea.io/collection/outlawmiya
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