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infinite one by Roberto Del Bianco

In our time as disorienting as the concept of infinity is, I'll photograph as long as necessary my symbolic sky, the sea, from my home. Always the same place, always from the same place. Because down there, although far away, it is not infinite, but finite.

In 2020, the pandemic forced every individual into isolation. I couldn't leave my house for several days. Time stopped and I had to deal with the total block of all freedom locked up in my domestic space. Taken aback, bewildered, and unprepared, I tried in my limited space full of time to survive, to find positive energy, thus overturning imprisonment in freedom. The window of my studio overlooks the sea and although I could not physically go there, it was possible for me to see and experience it, to draw from its intensity the necessary strength to be free again. So for every day of my isolation at home, I photographed the sea. 54 photos for 54 days. And now those difficult days have turned into memories of serene landscapes.

This collection contains the 10 most representative photographs of my project in which the two offshore platforms are always present.

As soon as the collection is sold out, I will randomly choose two collectors, one will receive a fine art print, the other the limited edition book of my project. Every collector will have early access to my next collection with the most representative photographs of my project in which the two offshore platforms are absent.

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May 2022
Creator earnings
  • Rights: Extended editorial