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Their Vision, Our Reality​-Brought to you by Girls Gone Crypto NFT With the passing of three generations since the Foremothers left Earth to create a primarily female society on a planet called Nymph, the nature of human behavior has led to many of the same trappings that they had hoped to leave behind. Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth had all made it board with them…or had they been waiting for them when they arrived? The Foremothers were a truly harmonious group (at least it seemed that way to the eyes of history), but had the traits hidden themselves deep inside? Once they had arrived, the Great New Vision had unfolded exactly as planned. Everyone saw and supported the ideas that flowed from the Foremothers. Everyone understood their role in the new society and harmony seemed to be enjoyed in all houses. So where had the discord originated? Was it in the dissatisfaction of the citizens with the lower tasks, or in the citizens with the most important ones?

Sep 2021
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