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Galaxy Quest - Episode 1

A comic noir mini-mag and theme song, by Ken Omega.

Galaxy Quest - Episode 1, is the pilot edition of a vintage style sci fi comic series. It features highlights, to bring viewers up to speed for any future Editions. Catch up with the Galaxy Quest gang, in this comic noir styled mini-mag. 1000 ERC-1155 Tokens have been minted for the Main, "Galaxy Quest - Episode 1" slideshow NFT. But there's more in the collection. Galaxy Quest - Episode 1 , was created with 12 slides / cells. They are called DNA cells here since an NFT's DNA is its properties. The DNA cell numbers don't appear in the main .mp4 version. However sold individually, each cell is numbered and named in the lower left corner - including the Cover slide, DNA Cell #1.

The mint quantities in the Collection are:

Galaxy Quest - Episode 1 NFT: 1000
12 Galaxy Quest - Episode 1 DNA Cells: 1000 each
Galaxy Quest - Theme Song NFT: 5000

Stay tuned for the next episode of... Galaxy Quest! #SciFi #ComicNoir #NFT #KenOmega

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