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Galactic Gateways

Galactic Gateways is my body of work presenting the beauty in the heavens above. Astrophotography has allowed me to see the night sky like I never would have before. Emotions that come from peering into the sky on a clear night are incomparable. Some find their meaning, some find their place, others may just find beauty. But everyone can agree that they find wonder and excitement. I strive to share that wonder and excitement with you.

Every night the Milky Way galaxy spans over the Earth, and yet there is only a small percentage of people who possess the ability to observe the beauty that is there to behold. Looking into the vast sea of stars can be an experience that for some will be life-changing. Not enough people have this opportunity. For most light pollution has made it an experience that just isn’t a reality.

Let this collection be a gateway to what most won’t be able to experience. Let this collection be your Galactic Gateway.

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Oct 2021
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