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Friends of Phoenixes

If we were a bird, we’d want to be a phoenix. They regenerate by rising from their own ashes—and for that, they are fire.

Friends of Phoenixes is a collection of 180 unique NFTs born from the Phoenixes of Tomorrow, an exclusive NFT collection created for the most lit young leaders on the Tatler Gen.T List 2023. It embodies the fire, spirit and purpose of those with the potential to ignite new possibilities.

The Friends of Phoenixes NFT is for like-minded purpose-driven leaders who want to make a positive impact. All proceeds from Friends of Phoenixes go to charities in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines and Taiwan.

The collection is designed by artist and Gen.T honouree Aeropalmics.

Unique items
Total items
Jun 2023
Creator earnings
  • Charity: Kids’ bookhouse