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Fallout Series Perks

There are 205 unique perk cards in the launch version of the game.

At each level-up, players can choose one SPECIAL attribute to increase as well as a new perk card. Players will also receive perk card packs at levels 4, 6, 8, and 10, and on every fifth level up afterwards. After level 50, players will continue to level up and receive card packs but cannot increase or reallocate points to any SPECIAL attribute.Each pack contains four cards, some of which may be level-locked (These perk cards require a minimum level to be equipped and will display a padlock and the level needed to equip them). The last one will be a unique, animated foil card for the perk that is revealed.

Besides perks that have group effects, perks can be selected to be shared among team members. Each player can only choose one perk to be shared at a time, and the selected perk can be changed at any time during gameplay.

Unique items
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Jan 2022
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