Lost and discarded, broken and forgotten... There is beauty in all things especially those left behind. A collection of things left behind but will not be forgotten. They will live on in the blockchain, while their physical forms fade away...
The majority of the collection will remain hidden, every sale will unlock a new piece.
Mint On-Demand & NFT Lottery available via DM
Common - 12
Uncommon - 10
Rare - 8
Provably Rare - 8
Super Fucking Rare - 1
Legen-Fucking-Dary - 1
Lost and discarded, broken and forgotten... There is beauty in all things especially those left behind. A collection of things left behind but will not be forgotten. They will live on in the blockchain, while their physical forms fade away...
The majority of the collection will remain hidden, every sale will unlock a new piece.
Mint On-Demand & NFT Lottery available via DM
Common - 12
Uncommon - 10
Rare - 8
Provably Rare - 8
Super Fucking Rare - 1
Legen-Fucking-Dary - 1
· 40
· Sep 2021
Creator earnings
· 10%