In a distant future due to an unexpected disaster, earth has become a FUD place where theres little value placed on intelligence and its time to evacuate earth for mars. A secret super intelligent society of Falcons has been growing on mars for the past 413,000 years. Falcon Heavy Punks is the collection of 10,000 unique NFTs. FHP NFT collectors own the full IP and worldwide commercial license to their NFTs.
In a distant future due to an unexpected disaster, earth has become a FUD place where theres little value placed on intelligence and its time to evacuate earth for mars. A secret super intelligent society of Falcons has been growing on mars for the past 413,000 years. Falcon Heavy Punks is the collection of 10,000 unique NFTs. FHP NFT collectors own the full IP and worldwide commercial license to their NFTs.
· 10K
· Jul 2022
Creator earnings
· 5%