Two collections pitted the Eth-verse against each other in a battle for metadata. Only one was victorious. ⚔️
Even numbered addresses minted from the Even collection. Odd numbered addresses minted from the Odd collection.
The winning side's metadata was updated to generative art while the losing side's art remains forever unrevealed.
Created by Pob Studio in an expression of metadata scarcity on Ethereum. Even v. Odd minted on Base in a celebration of on-chain art for #OnChainSummer.
The official project page:
Even v. Odd was only possible because of The Collector Std., an NFT design that guarantees your NFT has been made to last and will exist as long as the EVM. You can learn more about The Collector Std. on the Pob Studio website.
Two collections pitted the Eth-verse against each other in a battle for metadata. Only one was victorious. ⚔️
Even numbered addresses minted from the Even collection. Odd numbered addresses minted from the Odd collection.
The winning side's metadata was updated to generative art while the losing side's art remains forever unrevealed.
Created by Pob Studio in an expression of metadata scarcity on Ethereum. Even v. Odd minted on Base in a celebration of on-chain art for #OnChainSummer.
The official project page:
Even v. Odd was only possible because of The Collector Std., an NFT design that guarantees your NFT has been made to last and will exist as long as the EVM. You can learn more about The Collector Std. on the Pob Studio website.
· 155
· Aug 2023
Creator earnings
· 0%