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EverydayOnce (EO) is a social NFT brand created by 11&13 years old sisters in Japan. EO Fairies are delivering EO concept to you - Kindness and Empathy make everyone kind and mindful to each other.
Please have one EO Fairy for yourself and pass it on. So that kindness will be spread all over the world and we all can live happily!
Please see detail at
EverydayOnce (EO) is a social NFT brand created by 11&13 years old sisters in Japan. EO Fairies are delivering EO concept to you - Kindness and Empathy make everyone kind and mindful to each other.
Please have one EO Fairy for yourself and pass it on. So that kindness will be spread all over the world and we all can live happily!
Unique items
· 5,151
Total items
· 0
· Mar 2022
Creator earnings
· 2.5%