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Engulfed in Fog

The goal of this collection of editions portrays the factor of life known as "fog". These 5 unique photos, all containing fog within are from the year of 2017. The emotions and feelings of each photo are for an individual to determine.

Nonetheless, here is my standpoint and views.

On a foggy day the fog doesn't last. At one point of time the fog will disappear. As humans we all have "foggy" days. An important thing that every living person should remember is that the fog will clear. No matter what a person goes through, it will get better. It may take a long time in some scenarios but the end result will always be greater.

Life contains trial and error but a person must also have the right mindset.

When the city is engulfed in fog it feels as if everything is being masked. The weather itself is trying to hide any existence. Whether it's on the street or 30 stories up, the fog seems to overrule all.

The fog is more dangerous than the dark as it gives the illusion of vision.

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  • Date taken: 01/21/2017 8:21 am