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For the people who do the bare minimum.

Employables is a story about all of the people who thought they were meant to be someone, only to end up working a 9 to 5, chasing another man’s dreams. We strive to do the bare minimum. As long as we get our biweekly paychecks, we have no complaints.

Are you in a union? Does someone else set your hours? Is the water cooler your safe space? If you said yes, then this is the NFT project for you! We find comfort and security in waking up at 8 AM, getting stuck in traffic on our way to work, and eating our cereal bars. On occasion, we think about how we were meant to do something greater in life, but fuck it – as long as we can get home by 5:30, eat some instant ramen, and play video games, we’re good. First to leave and last to show up. This is why we are the Employables. And together, we can do the most ordinary, non-revolutionary things.

Parody of unemployables - not affiliated. Art by rezy.eth 🕊

May 2022
Creator earnings
  • Hair: Space buns (black)