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Writings on the brutality of life and the human condition

Man is a walking paradox. He is the only creature on earth who is both a fool and a genius simultaneously. He is capable of the noblest of deeds, but as soon as you look away, he will lie, cheat, and steal to get what he wants.

All men possess elements of good and evil. There is no such thing as a man who is either 100% good or 100% bad. A good man has surely done some bad things in his life, while even very bad men occasionally do nice things, which is why people express shock & dismay when their friendly next-door neighbor is exposed as a sadistic serial killer.

Everyone is selfish. Everyone is flawed. The difference between a "good" man and a "bad" man isn't the wide chasm that we would like to believe. The difference is more like a crack in the floor where one can just as easily step on one side or the other... (There is a 1,000 character limit. Please visit to read the rest.) *All work is my own.

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