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Discordia by Eduxdux

Discordia is “disagreement” in Portuguese, this work was made using p5.js and GLSL

In this digital tapestry, we see a reflection of our own society. Just as the vibrant colors and distorted shapes intertwine and collide, so do we move in a frenetic rhythm, interacting, colliding, and merging with each other. Each image represents the highs and lows of human life, the fleeting joys, and the relentless challenges.

The twisted lines evoke the complex trails we tread, crisscrossing each other's paths in an eternal dance of connection and disconnection. Blocks of color clash and blend, reminding us of the turbulences we face, whether in internal battles of identity and purpose or external conflicts with the world around us.

But, as in art, there is beauty even in life's densest turbulences. There is harmony in discord, lessons in adversity, and renewal after chaos. This collection is a visual reminder that however abstract and unpredictable life may seem, there is always a broader tapestry being woven, a larger story being told. And amidst the uncertainties, there is always room for beauty, color, and hope.

This project have a different choice of palette. The num of interactions and their order affects on the probability of the distortion

Oct 2023
Creator earnings