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Deva = Deity, Heavenly, Divine, One who wishes to Excel, and Overcome. The Master.

Devas is a series of Multilayered Modern Abstract Calligraphy Mandalas, Ambigrams, and Calligrams exploring line, texture, and duality. My subjects are usually deities that hold great spiritual significance with which I feel a personal connection. Freedom and balance are my mantras. My creative process is meditative. I always start with a blank canvas and an empty mind. This allows my work to transform naturally. I'm constantly rediscovering myself and evolving into a higher being. When I share my art I'm sharing this journey with my audience. ​My intention is to only spark a thought or question in the minds of the unique individuals who are open to receiving. The only request of my audience is to "Be Of No Mind". While observing these mandalas, allow yourself to get lost in the lines. This way we are in union with the universe, discovering and receiving what only the "I" can see.

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Apr 2021
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