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Department of Joes

And unlike his father, he cares about you!

This is the biggest redistribution of wealth since the war. Joe jr. Is now gonna spread his bags with the world. His father is a monster, and he doesn’t want to end up like him. Joe’s father owes Joe jr. compensation for abandoning his son, he will now have to pay for what he’s done.

Today we see Joe jr. establish his dominance over Joe. There can only be one. Might as well be Joe’s son. Joe Jr. plans to keep all of his promises and his autism will put him on the cash. He’s owed backed child support and now he’s here to collect.

Abandonment is no laughing matter. Joe jr. wants to taste success and win over his father. The jury is out and it’s time to pay it forward. Boom goes the dynamite! Yellow explosions all around. Joe jr. will get his money.

Joe now has to share his wealth with the rest of us. Joe jr. Is on the hunt for his child support and is approaching the home stretch. Being this rich is expensive. Joe will have to pay.

Nov 2023
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