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About this collection

ERC 721

DEGEDAYS GENESIS PRINT by DEGEDOG is a Limited Edition digital print that is redeemable for a Handmade Physical Fine Art Silkscreen Print. The intention behind the Genesis Drop is to onboard digital collectors into the traditional art world (or vice versa), grow the DEGEDOG community through unique collectible experiences, and allow a cost efficient entry to Fine Art that is accessible to everyone.

Collectors can opt to have the Physical item Shipped or Vaulted for 1 year; allowing it's digital pairing to trade for the one year period before the next shipment claim. Genesis Print Holders will also receive a guaranteed and discounted Allowlist spot for the unreleased official DEGEDOG drop that includes all 2021 1/1's in the DEGEDAYS GENESIS PRINT backed by its own 1/1 Physical Silkscreen Print pairing.

Some color schemes are more rare than others. Which colors will you get?

Items minted300
Physical Handmade Silkscreen Prints

A fine art print is an original work of art, conceived and executed by the artist. An artform in its own right, it is a meticulous process that is completed by highly-skilled craftsmen. As it’s done by hand, each piece is unique. After isolating the colour, the artist hand-mixes the colour by sight. The ink in silkscreen printing is also often thicker, resulting in more vibrant colours. With original fine art prints, the tactile quality of the ink on paper and the printing style, are inseparable parts of the artwork; something you cannot achieve with reproductions. Despite good quality printers and up-to-date technology used to produce giclees or iris prints, the result cannot compare to fine art prints. 

About The Artist and Print

Hi my name is PFACE and I am an emerging artist from Vancouver, Canada. For the last two years I have been building my project DEGEDOG, a collection of 2021 1/1 digital prints that I am pairing with a 1/1 physical fine art silkscreen print.

The DEGEDAYS GENESIS PRINT is a fusion of innovation and tradition. By integrating 2021 1/1 digital artworks, the Genesis Print binds the individual pieces into a cohesive whole, transcending their individuality to form a greater, more profound story. It is a tale of my journey that invites you to be part of a larger artistic exploration.

📖👇 2021 1/1 DEGEDOGS created over one of the most euphoric and historic crypto bullruns throughout the year 2021. DEGEDOG is one of the largest true 1/1 digital art collections on the blockchain and aims to have the digital assets backed by one of the largest 1/1 physical silkscreen print collections in the world. Each DEGEDOG physical pairing is not an edition and is the only one of it's kind in existence. I often saw WEB3 enthusiasts trying to mint a rare 1/1, Trad Art collectors saying they can’t hang it on their walls and I wanted to remove those barriers. Every piece is digitally painted/created with my finger, Mac trackpad, and Photoshop. Drawing with my finger made my approach raw, and I was guided by feelings that paralleled with colours and different brushes.

Each Print is derived from a real dog and is filed accordingly from which dog it was created. The supply is based on all 2 thousand different breeds that can be found on the official American Kennel Club website. The dog it was derived from is written on the pendant of the necklace. Some of the names may look worn or distorted but that is just from the Cosmic Rays found on other planets. The first Prints most resemble a dog, but with each month that passed the art took new form and meaning. Some dogs are colourful, some are memes, some are a play on words of the actual dog itself, some are a portrait within a portrait, some pixel art, the top 100 crypto coins of 2021, some darkness, but all are a form of self expression through personal experiences. You don't need to like them all, you only need to like one. The collection is this way so no matter what you're into you can find a place in the community. The more diverse the better.

As an artist you are also an explorer, and I wanted to find my own self expression through art. My collection isn’t based on traits, it’s based on months. With each month that passed I got closer to finding my own style. It is the document of my progression...I built through multiple crypto cycles and often times the highs and lows correlated with my own, but also brought me breakthroughs in my work. I spent so much time building and creating the art because not only did I want to give people a very unique experience as a collector, but to also put faith in the DEGEDOG community that I would continue to deliver thoughtful ideas.

This is an Artist led project. It is a chance for you to collect my first pieces ever minted at a very modest price. It is also a chance for you tag along with me on my journey to explore the capabilities of a digital vs physical world. For anything physical I create has been born out of my digital prints. The physical prints are very much bound by certain restraints whereas the digital potential seems endless. For me there is something extremely interesting in this dynamic.

Since childhood, my father influenced my passion for Trading Cards. Later, through his collecting, I was influenced by Cultural Prints from the 60s-80s. They were always beautifully colourful and stood for a movement. I think these pieces stuck with me the most and fed my inspiration into shifting cultures. Being creative and making thoughtful art will always be my mission and the digital Genesis Prints will be key for anything put out under the DEGEDOG trademark or DEGE DIGITAL INC.

I chose the name PFACE because every time I sat at my desk I felt one stroke away from PEACE. Making this project was the first time in a very long time that I felt at PEACE with myself. It’s a feeling that when you have you want to hold on to forever. I hope that if you hold one of these Prints they can bring you peace in knowing they were all created from my heart.