Enabling anyone to create their own top and sub-level domains (TLDs / SLDs) as NFTs.
Decentraweb is a decentralized implementation of the DNS base layer protocol on Ethereum.
Register A New Domain: dns.decentraweb.org | Polygon Domains: Decentraweb Polygon
Receive 50% off new top level domain registrations when you purchase with $DWEB at dns.decentraweb.org
Enabling anyone to create their own top and sub-level domains (TLDs / SLDs) as NFTs.
Decentraweb is a decentralized implementation of the DNS base layer protocol on Ethereum.
Register A New Domain: dns.decentraweb.org | Polygon Domains: Decentraweb Polygon
Receive 50% off new top level domain registrations when you purchase with $DWEB at dns.decentraweb.org
· 9,438
· Oct 2021
Creator earnings
· 5%