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In so many ways, women - like nature, animals and non-white people - are objectified. Seen as the weakest links of society, they must be aided and controlled. Or at least, this is what is tacitly and invisibly accepted in any patriarchal society. When we think of daughters, however, a connotation comes to mind with, presumably, the purest form of love: that of a blood relationship. How can a daughter be at the same time protected and exposed? How do her different roles coexist within her identity? The invited artists have reflected upon the suspended time in which a daughter is pure possibility, or on episodes that can irremediably change her life. On the collapse of biological destiny and culture, on legacy, or, eventually, on the direct implications of fulfilling her unvoluntary role as a daughter.

We will donate 25% of each sale to the project "Women and democracy", organised by the Onlus COSPE.

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Jun 2022
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  • Edition: 1/1