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Dark Side of Crypto

Millions of dollars in cryptocurrency are being thrown at digital artists for the first time in history. As a relatively unknown artist it can be overwhelming, disheartening, chaotic, and confusing to navigate the Wild West of NFTs. The series "Dark Side of Crypto" looks to explore these emotions which are often hidden behind the pleasantries of Social Media, and express the internal struggle many modern day artists are feeling after being abruptly thrust into this new world.

Historically, artists would work tirelessly to create a masterpiece because they were inspired and would maybe hope to be discovered. Many prolific artists weren't discovered until many years after their death. Today, hours are spent getting as many eyes on you and attracting as much online attention as possible. This social currency is often how we prescribe value to today's digital artists. Also for the first time in history, art is expressly being created for the purpose of sales, not self-expression.

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Apr 2021
Creator earnings