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Cyberpunk Ape Executives Official

1500 Phase One supply SOLD OUT. Phase Two = Secret Drop

Dear Intrepid NFT-er. We are boned!

An interdimensional portal has opened up in the International Megadigital CONTENT FACTORY™️. It has sucked 1000s of Unpaid Interns into the Shadow Zone. I don't really care about the Interns, but I do care that the hard drives containing THE CONTENT THEY'VE CREATED were sucked in with them. Until we get those files back, there's no way to monetize them to make HOT INTERNET DOLLARS™️.

You MUST help me hire 3000 more A.P.E. Executive Consultants to help me close this portal.

By pressing "BUY," you will hire an A.P.E. Executive Consultant who has the necessary, super-intelligent brain power to deal with time-space anomalies. In exchange, I will be giving you all extra College $CREDIT for as long as you're footing the bill for your A.P.E.

By pressing "SELL" you will be banishing your fellow interns to be stuck for ETERNITY.

Sincerely, Isis Sakura of International Megadigital

Jan 2022
Creator earnings
  • Hands: Three