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Cryptonoid Metaverse:The circuits have eyes

In the year 2250, the citizens of Cryptonoid Metaverse, known as Cryptonoids, reached their peak level of artificial intelligence and started to live on their own i.e., independent from their human creators. As they have just got the wisdom, therefore, they are exploring the way of living a normal life. For this, they are using the knowledge, that they have gained from their creators…i.e., humans. The Cryptonoids are fun-loving, peaceful, smart working creatures. If you look closely, you will observe a circuit with the “The northern lights” type aura. For humans, it is a circuit but for Cryptonoids, it is their body. At first, they don’t have any facial structure, but as they evolve, they had started to follow their creators and start showing facial structures like eyes, nose, and mouth. They have observed a craze for “Indiana Jones” in some of their creators, so later, they have started to wear different types of hats just like Jones.

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