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Crypto Jargon

Crypto Jargon isn't your usual type of NFT. Fuck Hodling forever or trying to make a profit, these fuckers have been minted to pass onto your friends and work as good luck charms.

The collection of 150, + 10 special edition multi colour pegs released weekly is best described as the Jenna Jameson of NFTs. They are designed to be sent to friends to show them you give a million fucks about them.

Think of them as 21st century fortune cookies. They are without a single fucking doubt the greatest gift you will ever be able to share as they instil prosperity to all who receive.

How much is a friend worth? What a stupid fucking question. Stop being a cunt and gift a friend with one of these good fortune fuckers today!

If you receive, your life will change instantly. No need to hodl, just resell so someone else can experience the awesomeness that accompanies each.

Well..................................... Why the fuck are you still reading?

Gift away motherfuckers!

Aug 2021
Creator earnings