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Conquering Cancer

I am a Stage IV Breast Cancer warrior. I was diagnosed in late 2019 and re-diagnosed at the end of last year-2022. A portion of each piece minted, will go towards helping breast cancer warriors and aside of BC, all types of cancer. One Foundation will be, "American Cancer Society". The 2nd one is, "The Dianna Rasha Foundation" My dear friend's sister lost her precious life from this terrible disease. Cancer isn't easy and for many, it brings financial hardship. I myself still have difficulties with insurance not covering things I need. The fight doesn't stop and our resiliency never leaves our side. I felt in my heart and soul I needed to create this collection for all warriors out there who have cancer, ones who had cancer, those who just found out and ones who struggle with cancer. From cancer scares to the very first words "you have cancer", this exquisite collection symbolizes faith, hope, beauty, and dignity. Buy a beautiful piece, help a beautiful cause. Thank-you♡

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Mar 2023
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