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Cloudy Days NFT

Howdy! My name is Philip and I am a "dreamer". In other words my head is always in the clouds day dreaming. I have hundreds of million dollar ideas but can never seem to stick to one. there are many reasons for this.. Undiagnosed ADD maybe.. lack of funds.. mental roadblocks.. real life? In any case I have decided to lock myself in a cold dark room and focus on one project! so here it is, Cloudy Days NFT is a collection of 1/1 hand drawn clouds, each with individual personalities and traits. As of now I plan on creating 20 but I reserve the right to make as many as I desire. Anyone who buys and holds a Cloudy Days NFT will receive FREE mint on all future projects by me, Pandemic_Phil, one of which is currently under development (FOCUS!) and a P2E game that is in dream phase (STICK TO ONE THING AT A TIME). Why are these stinking clouds so expensive? Because Cloudy Days NFT is a very exclusive and because I have to balance out the cost of all the free stuff you'll be getting from me.

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Feb 2022
Creator earnings
  • Brush: Chalk pastel